Archaeological sites and artifacts are the physical remains of cultures from centuries ago. Here's an example of Artifacts found by people of the Sunshine Coast Community that are curated at the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives.
Why Should You Report Finds?
Every year in BC significant archaeological finds are found by people out hiking, digging in their garden or backyard, or simply going about their work. When reported to appropriate agencies such as the BC Archaeology Branch, local First Nations, or even the ASBC new information about the ancient past can contribute to our understanding of the history of an area and prevent destruction of important cultural materials and areas.
How to Report Finds:
If you think you have found something archaeological please contact
The BC Archaeology Branch (250) 953 3334,
The Squamish Nation (604) 980 4553,
or us, The Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives (604) 886 8232.
The ASBC may be contacted on the web or at PO Box 520 Bental Station, Vancouver BC, V6N 2N3.