Photographs & Archives
When you type Harry Roberts into the keyword search bar, the results will come back including anything mentioning Harry or Roberts. All of the items associated with Harry Roberts will be included, but so will every other person named Harry or Roberts and you will get 478 results rather than the 40 that are specific to Harry Roberts. To avoid this, you can instead type “Harry Roberts” or Harry AND Roberts. To search for photographs taken by Harry Roberts, used the Advanced Search option and type “Harry Roberts” in the Creator field. To limit your findings to photographs of the different things that Harry Roberts built during his lifetime, you can search “Harry Roberts” AND buil*. The asterisk (*) will include built or buildings and is a great trick to use if you are uncertain about spelling. In this case it is useful because we will be able to see all of the buildings, boats and even the waterwheel that Harry Roberts made in one search.
The museum has digitized several publications that were locally produced, including two newspapers The Coast News (1945-1995) and The Peninsula Times (1963-1979). These are invaluable research tools that highlight the day-to-day life of the Sunshine Coast as well as chronicle many significant events for the area. Similar to searching for photographs, the newspaper search also uses keyword searching and works best when quotation marks are used. You can choose to search chronologically or within a certain time frame if you are looking for a specific event or article. The Coast News has the most articles so it is a good place to start but do not underestimate The Peninsula Times! Searching for “Harry Roberts” will pull up 126 results from The Coast News and 23 articles from The Peninsula Times.
Oral Histories
Recorded interviews with a variety of Sunshine Coasters are preserved in the archives, with the oldest recording dating back by to 1959. There are over 90 that have been collected from local legends. We are currently working on making more of them available and our incredible volunteers are in the process of transcribing them. Although the Oral Histories are not all available yet, the ones that are online can be found on the museum’s Soundcloud. This includes an interview with Harry Roberts, recorded in the 1960s. To learn about the recordings that we have, submit a research request and we will look through our masterlist.
You may have to come into the museum after all – some things just have to be experienced in person!